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So Far - MFA Thesis

This work explores the relationship with one's memories as a central theme in this series, working through feelings of disconnection and attempting to immortalize memory as they are seeing it now through the lens of their present self. 


Water, with its fluidity and shifting, pulls on ideas of memory that is lost, destroyed, or displaced overtime. Binary oppositions highlight the disconnection between self and memory and the struggle to preserve our recollection of the past. The circular nature of all the pieces together come to suggest history repeating, pulling the past into the present.  

Through relief and silkscreen printmaking processes, the work creates otherworldly landscapes that capture the fleeting nature of memory, exploring the concept of reconciliation of self and the influence of the current self on how individuals recall the past. Carving the relief block creates a tangible representation of memory that is subject to wear and tear over time. Transforming the relief into a screenprint further removes the physical mark, creating a copy that isn’t quite the same, as memory is influenced by personal experience and emotion with each recollection. Each unique print that is made adds to the impermanence and transience of the work.

©2020 by B. Tucker.
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